Hi there blog world. I am continuing my busy streak, aka being a workaholic and neglecting fun activities even though I don't make enough money to justify it. I had a decent weekend, hanging out with my lovely boyfriend and drawing pictures of cavities. I don't have anything thoughtful to say, so look at pictures of me when I was a baby, dammit.

Oh hey family, you are a good looking bunch of 80's people, even with that fro perm, MOM. I used to get upset when my mom would go get her hair permed. That's what the 1980's did to children. Speaking of family, I'm going to hang out with them this weekend in HOTlanta. We'll probably go to a lot of clubs and/or act just like those classy ladies on The Real Housewives. Either way, I'm looking forward to a place where it's not snowing. Ahem, Rochester, I'm looking at you.

You were PRECIOUS, Courtney! And I too used to cry when my mom got her hair permed. Very weird.
xo Josie
Aw adorable! Thanks for sharing!
I gave you an award over on my blog, come by to claim it! :)
So cute. Your family's beautiful!
Hope you're surviving this week.
I'm really glad my parents were not the kind of people who take lots of pictures of me. There are a few, one in particular that I really like, where I'm on a carousel. All the rest are lame.
You were a cute baby. Our kids will be adorbes.
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