
sticky lipgloss vintage :: new this week

A067 Main

I023 Main

I027 mainI024 Main

D013 Main

C125 main jacket1A066 Main

C121 main

All these items, plus more, will be up in the shop by the end of the week.

I've been busy trying to find an apartment. Turns out I'm really picky.. I blame that on going to an art and design school, as well as Pinterest. It also turns out that Pittsburgh rental properties still think it's 1988, with wall to wall carpet, no natural light, and mirror-lined walls. I didn't get a college degree and a good job to have windows the size of a cat, nor do I want to see a reflection of my ass at all waking hours of the day. Mirror paneled walls are for strip clubs, end of story. I feel like by the time I find the perfect place, I'll be ready to relocate.

Happy Monday!

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1 Comment:

Katrine - make it and fake it said...

omg, so many great peices!! i want the black coat and the pink-ish dress!!! CUTE!!

love K